Welcome to your Oregon National Guard benefits site!
This program was created through requests of the Officer and Enlisted Associations of the Oregon National Guard. The Benefits Inc Board Members have taken a lot of time to locate and provide benefit programs that we hope are of interest to you, the members of the Oregon National Guard. Many of our programs are available to not only members of the Oregon National Guard, but also, retirees and immediate family members. We are proud of the services we provide and we hope you feel the same way. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact any of the Board Members to express your thoughts.
President, ORNG Benefits Inc
In 1998, The Oregon National Guard Officer and Enlisted Associations created an umbrella organization, Oregon National Guard Benefits Inc (ORNG Benefits Inc), to help identify and provide benefits for all Oregon National Guard Soldiers/Airmen and association members.
ORNG Benefits Inc was organized as a nonprofit corporation for the specific purpose of providing benefits to members of the Oregon National Guard, members of the Oregon National Guard Officers Association, Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Oregon, and in some cases retirees and immediate family members. Any income or administrative fees generated by policies/benefits written, after payment of expenses, are distributed back to the associations noted above.
Joint Ethics Regulation 3-209 and DoD Directive 5500.7-R (August 6, 1998) authorize the offering of a group life insurance program (State Sponsored Life Insurance) sponsored by the State Military Department or State Associations of the National Guard. Public Law 93.289 (Title 37, USC, Section 707), allows members of the National Guard to make allotments for premiums under group life insurance programs (State Sponsored Life Insurance) sponsored by the State Military Departments or State Associations of the National Guard.